Jennie C. Stephens is Director of Northeastern University’s School of Public Policy & Urban Affairs and Dean’s Professor of Sustainability Science & Policy. She is an internationally-recognized expert on renewable transformation, energy democracy, climate justice, and gender in energy innovation. Trained at Harvard and Caltech, she is a transdisciplinary academic with two decades of experience linking environmental science and technology with policy and social justice. Her new book “Diversifying Power: Why We Need Antiracist, Feminist Leadership on Climate and Energy” celebrates leaders who are tackling economic, health, housing and transit disparities by linking these issues with climate and energy transformation. Learn more at She is introduced here by University of Michigan Marcellus L. Wiedenbeck Collegiate Professor of Physics Roy Clarke, and comments are offered by UMSEAS graduate students Shannon Clancy (Landscape Architecture) and Maxime Groen (Environmental Justice) who are now publishing a review of the book and working with Dr. Stephens on modular teaching tools from the book on
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